Introducing the Spark Cost & Health Assessment - uncover waste & savings opportunities, in just 1-week !
We've just launched Performance Optimization!

Full-Stack Observability &
Cost Optimization for

Go beyond GCP-native tools to ensure job health, data reliability, and cost efficiency –
in real-time, with no manual setup.

Effortless Spark Optimization for Immediate Cost Savings

Tired of digging into Spark UI and fumbling to know where to start?
With definity, Spark performance can be seamlessly monitored and contextualized, so optimization is simplified and automated. Optimize your Spark jobs in minutes, avoid fire-drills, and start saving your organization hundreds of thousands of dollars!

Why Do I Need Full-Stack Observability
for Dataproc?


Limited Cost & Performance Monitoring

GCP Cloud Monitoring provides basic cluster resources aggregated, but lacks real-time job-level monitoring, anomaly detection, and optimization insights.

Lacking Out-of-the-Box Observability

No built-in data quality or execution health tracking. Ephemeral jobs lacking persistent logs are especially hard to monitor.

Fragmented RCA & Effort-Intensive Debugging

Troubleshooting is highly fragmented, manually piecing together (insufficient) info from Dataproc History Server, BigQuery Metadata, and Cloud Logging / Trace.

No Built-In CI Validation

Not testing pipeline code changes pre-deployment to detect cost spikes, runtime degradations, or data anomalies – risking production.


AI-Powered Cost & Performance Optimization

Profile job-level performance, pinpoint CPU & Memory over-provisioning, detect degradations in real-time, and auto-tune jobs in 1-click – to immediately cut spend.

360°, Automated, Real-Time Observability

Monitor data quality, job execution, and performance – out-of-the-box, inline with job execution – to automatically detect anomalies in-motion.

Unified Intelligent RCA

Root-cause incidents in minutes with intelligent insights & unified transformation-level execution context, including deep data+job lineage and env tracking.

Seamless validation in CI

Automatically test code changes – preventing unexpected data outputs, SLA breaches, and runtime unpredictability due to scaling or configuration drift.

Contextualized Transformation-Level Observability

Deploy in Dataproc in Minutes – No Code Changes

1-click deployment via central Spark Submit – covers all workloads

Fully secure – deploy & run directly in your GCP VPC, no data leaves

Get Started in Minutes, Inside Your GCP Env
Get Started in Minutes, Inside Your GCP Env

Migrating to Dataproc?
Automate workloads validation

Accelerate Spark-to-Dataproc migration by months, with seamless workload validation on real data:

Ensure data reliability & pipeline stability, and easily pinpoint unexpected changes – in CI

Maintain job performance & prevent regressions

Avoid cost overruns & runtime surprises

Get Started in Minutes
Get Started in Minutes